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PASF Mission & Vision

The Psi Alpha Foundation was established with the primary goal of awarding

scholarships to high school seniors and, when applicable, offering supplemental

scholarships throughout their college journey. These scholarships will be granted to

individuals who meet specific criteria set by the Foundation. Additionally, the Foundation

may organize academic or academic/talent competitions, or a series of such events, to select scholarship recipients. These competitions, along with their promotion, aim to emphasize the value and benefits of academic excellence to participants and their peers. In some cases, scholarship funds may be donated to organizations that follow similar criteria in selecting their scholarship recipients.


In 2021, the corporation's Bylaws were amended to benefit 'Other Public Charity' by establishing designated-fundraisers for the purpose of raising proceeds to fund additional educational projects, events, and charities that support outreach to the San Antonio metropolitan-based population. The process from designated-fundraising events shall be used by the Corporation to pay incurred project expenses, and underwrite additional projects, events and charitable organizations that may be approved by the Board of Directors.




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